Friday, October 2, 2009


So I said I'm going to be more honest with myself...

These are my favorite fall food.

My BFF loves them too.

That's the reason she's my BFF.

Well, not the only reason, but a really good reason.

I lie to myself about "punkins".

They're only sold during Halloween season(which Wal-Mart seems to think is August-October)They are my favorite fall color.

They taste AMAZING! Sugary, mallowy, sweetness.

Did I mention, you can only get them for 3 months out of the year?

So...I lie.

I tell myself it's ok to eat an entire bag.

I hoard them like a squirrel.

I don't hibernate or have to save up all of my food until winter....but I eat them like I do.

I tell myself lies. I make myself believe that its ok to binge on "punkins".

While "punkins" may not seem like that big of a deal, it's still a lie.

The real reason I ate the whole bag is....I have no self control.

I have no self control in other areas of my life, as well.
Eating candy is just one of those areas.

If I lie to myself about my lack of candy eating self control...

what bigger lies am I making myself believe?

Just being honest.